This is a very simple 3D model of a Small triambic icosahedron.


Small triambic icosahedron 3D model
3D CAD software used for modeling

Rhino 3D + RhinoPolyhedra plug-in

Available NURBS and BREP file formats


Solid 3D model - .stp  (standardized 3D graphic exchange file format)

Surface 3D model - .3dm (Rhinoceros 3D CAD software native file format)


It  is the dual polyhedron of the small ditrigonal icosidodecahedron.  Index references U30, W26.

This polyhedron consists of: 
- 32 Vertices
- 60 Edges
-  20 Faces ( hexagon facesisogonal )

This 3D model consists of 60 surfaces joined into a closed polysurface.


Submitted by Ceh Jan