On this page you can download two interlaced designs that are meant for decorating square surfaces.

Both patterns were found in the old book ‚‚Six suites of engravings‚‚ (Author: Androuet du Cerceau) from 1549, which means that they are almost 500 years old. The theme of the book was architecture and, leafing through it, we came across a lot of interlaced designs like these two here.


Interlace designs
Pattern category
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Available file formats

2D CAD (dwg) and vector (svg and eps)


You can see in the picture that these are quite complex interlaced designs, but this is what makes their appearance very interesting. They can be said to be quite specific, and it may seem difficult to find a solution on where and how to use them. If you like them, then hopefully you will be inspired to get a great idea soon! Drawing such interlaced patterns in 2D CAD software is a real pleasure, so if you have the time and know how to use some 2D CAD software, try creating your own interlaced pattern, or try drawing one from the book mentioned. If you are interested in interlaced patterns, be sure to check out this book as the patterns in it will certainly inspire you in your further work.

Both patterns have been precisely drawn in 2D CAD software, and then simply painted. For this purpose only arcs and lines have been used.


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Submitted by Ceh Jan


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