This is a collection of plans for making lesser known dissection puzzles, but no less interesting ones.

Circular tangram dissection puzzle plan
Circular tangram consists of 7 pieces, which are made by cutting 2 disks. On the picture below we offer you a cutting diagram, as well as the explanation on how you can get geometrically simple cutting lines to have 7 pieces. Circular tangram is not considered as a difficult puzzle, therefore it is very suitable for the children. On the image below are also various shapes, which you can assemble with the circular tangram puzzle.
Circle dissection puzzle plan
Circle puzzle contains 10 pieces, but since the cutting diagram for circle puzzle is symmetric, it is actually just 5 pairs of different pieces. An image below shows a cutting diagram for the circle puzzle which you can use to make this puzzle and forms and figures that you can assemble out of the circle puzzle.
Six pointed star puzzle plan
This puzzle consists of the 6 same pieces that needs to be assembled into the hexagon with a star in its center.
T puzzle plan
T puzzle consist of 4 pieces that you can get by cutting the T-shaped geometric form. On the image below you can see the cutting pattern, by which can be made this dissection puzzle and the figures and shapes that can be assembled from the tiles of this puzzle.
Pythagoras dissection puzzle plan
Pythagoras puzzle is a classic dissection puzzle named after a well known Greek mathematician and philosopher. Pythagoras puzzle consists of 7 tiles which we get by cutting a square. On the image below you can see the cutting diagram, which can be used to make this type of puzzle. Task of this puzzle is to assemble various shapes out of 7 pieces – you can see some of them on the image below.
Greek cross into square puzzle plan
There are several ways to dissect Greek cross to get parts which can be rearranged into a square. The first example of such cutting was found in the middle of the 19th century, and it represents quite an elegant solution. Another variant of this puzzle is a Greek cross which has square opening in the middle, as is shown at cutting diagram below. In such case, there are two possible solutions to form a square – bigger or smaller one, depending on whether the square has an empty space in the middle, or not.