We have dedicated this category to Chinese and Japanese patterns, as well as to the patterns of all the peoples and cultures living in that part of Asia that have been around for thousands of years.
During that time they have developed their own styles of art and decoration. These peoples’ arts have not been influenced by European or Islamic cultures, so it can be said freely that Chinese and Japanese patterns have been developed independently and thus contributed to an even greater diversity in the arts on our planet. Chinese ceramics provide the best evidence of the quality of applied art that has developed in this part of the world. It is not difficult to find more evidence of the greatness of other Chinese and Japanese artists and artisans, a mere glance at old buildings, statues or furniture will make you aware that these two cultures have reached an exceptional level of spiritual development.
All these patterns were discovered on the pages of various old books dealing with Chinese and Japanese art and architecture, as well as in the pictures of various artifacts. The way how to paint each pattern will depend on whether its image was presented in color or black and white. All the patterns found in color will be painted the same, which will also be highlighted in the text.
If you like any of the given patterns, just click on its title or image; on the next page you will get a short text about it, a suitable license, a higher resolution image and a link will appear to download the chosen pattern. Do the download in 2D CAD and vector formats intended for graphic purposes, but also for production on CNC machines, drawing of 3D models and the like.
It would make us really happy to see as many lovers of Japanese and Chinese patterns as possible, so we hope you will visit us again in a while to check whether in the meantime we have increased their number in this category.
Here you can download a Chinese border ornament, which is rectangular in shape and composed of floral motifs.
Here we have a well-known illustration from Chinese mythology - the Chinese dragon with a snake-like body and 4 legs, chasing the flaming pearl of wisdom and truth.
Here is a collection of 3 Chinese flower designs which can be downloaded in vector and 2D CAD file formats.
If you need to decorate a circular or square surface with a Chinese-style floral ornament, you’ve come to the right place!
This is a set of five Chinese jewelry designs that we found in an old book about jewelry.
On this page you can download Chinese square ornament whose appearance can be seen in the picture.
Download free "Dragon in Clouds" vector pattern, a complex but beautiful Japanese stencil.
On this page you can download a decorative design whose main motif is the Fenghuang bird.
On this page you can download a design whose main motif is the Japanese ornamental dragon.
This is the collection of 5 Japanese pakwa diaper patterns. All patterns we found in an old book, and it's a shame to be forgotten on its pages.
This is an old Japanese repeating pattern that we found in an old book of textile design. The main motive of this pattern is a fish and wavy water.
On this page you can download the stencil pattern called "Japanese Stencil Plate".
On this page you can download the stencil pattern called "Japanese Water Stencil Pattern". With it, you can make a nice decorative panel with laser cutter.