We found them in an old book and beneath the illustration, it is noted: 16th century strap work in the Trocadero museum, Paris.
On this page you can download two strapwork ornaments (interlaced ornaments) which dates from the 16th century.
Strapwork is a geometric pattern consisting of stylized, usually interlaced, leather straps. Strapwork was a very common decorative element in the 16th century and appeared in architecture (moulded in plaster or stucco), wood and stone carvings, paintings, on furniture... These two ornaments represent fine examples of strapwork patterns intended to decorate rectangular surfaces. Due to their simplicity, they have a very high utility value.
If you like these ornaments, you can download them in CAD (dwg) or vector (svg and eps) file formats.
We found them in an old book and beneath the illustration, it is noted: 16th century strap work in the Trocadero museum, Paris.
Submitted by Ceh Jan