One of the important things that need to be considered when making an outdoor structure is how to attach the item to the ground.
Our choice of the mount option depends on many factors which should be considered prior to the commencement of building the outdoor structure.
The most commonly used three methods are:
- Portable mount or non stationary mount system – With this method, the outdoor structure is set in place without being fixed to the ground. This method is not suitable for public places because the structure is an easy target for thieves.
The choice of the mount option depends on various factors: the type of outdoor structure, the possibility of theft and vandalism, endurance, future reconfiguration, the type of material the structure is made of, the type of surface on which it is installed, stability and safety of the structure, city standard, the mount price...
Mount options should be considered very carefully when it comes to high outdoor structures. High and narrow outdoor structures should be well-fastened to the ground as even a small horizontal force acting at the top of the structure causes a very high load at the base.