Here you can download 3D models and plans for creating various things that have been modeled in free 3D CAD software FreeCAD.

In other words, all the projects in this collection have been completely made in FreeCAD software - from creating 3D models, forming assemblies, creating 2D drawings, exporting images and PDF files… FreeCAD is the most advanced open source 3D CAD software at the moment, so our goal is to slowly model more and more of our projects in it. Every project we make in FreeCAD software is placed in this collection, and hopefully at least some of you will become interested in this 3D CAD software. If you like any of these projects, click on the chosen project title or image, and you will get not only 2D drawings, but also 3D models in FCStd file format (FreeCAD native file format).

Projects modeled with FreeCAD

In order to motivate as many people as possible to download and install this software, only the FCStd file format of the 3D models will be available. FreeCAD may not have as many features as commercial software, but in it you can model 3D parts models, form assemblies and make drawings, i.e., this software can be comfortably used by small businesses, enthusiasts, hobbyists, craftsmen/artisans, beginners, students, etc.


With this simple tool you will be able to carry sheets of plywood or some other material all by yourself.

If you like to make simple furniture for your house, then the book case in the picture could become an interesting woodworking project for you.

With the free woodworking plan that you can download on this page you can make simple center table with glass table top.

If you like fixing things around the house, and your child or grandchild goes to primary school, why don’t you make them happy with an childs homework desk.

If you like working with sheet materials and have a small child, then this children's collapsible rocking chair is the right woodworking project for you!

Here you are offered a free laser cutting project according to which you can make a collapsible storage box.

Here you can download drawings with which you can make 8 different versions of garden tools known as ‘dibber’, ‘dibble’ or ‘dibbler’.

If you want to make the simplest possible coffee table that is also collapsible, here you are presented with such a construction.

If you have a CNC laser cutting machine and want to make this fretwork corner shelf, on this page you can download all the necessary files for its production.

This is a project with which you can make the famous solid dissection puzzle known as the Soma cube.

If you need an all-purpose table that will come in handy for various needs, then the occasional table that you can make according to this plan is the ideal choice for you!

Here we have presented three versions of the oven rack push pull stick, which you can also easily cut by hand using a copy saw if there is no scroll saw or laser cutting machine available.

To keep the shoes you use most tidy, taking up little space and yet be easily accessible, make a shoe rack.

Here you can download a free woodworking plan which will help you to make a simple tool which we called straightedge tool for corners tool.

 Within this woodturning project collection, you can find 25 drawings and 3D models to help you make turned wooden boxes.