Great dodecahedron consists of:
- 12 Vertices
- 30 Edges
- 12 self-intersecting pentagonal faces.
This 3D model consists of 60 surfaces joined into a closed polysurface.
A simple 3D model of a Great Dodecahedron. Index references U35, C44, W21
Rhino 3D + RhinoPolyhedra plug-in
Solid 3D model - .stp (standardized 3D graphic exchange file format)
Surface 3D model - .3dm (Rhinoceros 3D CAD software native file format)
Great dodecahedron consists of:
- 12 Vertices
- 30 Edges
- 12 self-intersecting pentagonal faces.
This 3D model consists of 60 surfaces joined into a closed polysurface.
Submitted by Ceh Jan