On this page you can download a detailed and ready for printing 3D model of an African elephant.

As you can see in the picture, the elephant 3D model is not too detailed, but it is well drawn and detailed enough to satisfy various purposes. Such and similar "organic" 3D models are quite difficult to draw in NURBS 3D CAD software, so we decided to find a polygonal mesh 3D model of an animal and try to convert it to a NURBS 3D model. Of course, it was also important that the initial 3D model license allowed the use of the converted 3D model. Fortunately, we managed to find this high quality 3D elephant model very quickly, import it into Rhino 3D software and convert it to a NURBS 3D model using the T-splines plug-in.


African elephant 3D model
3D model category
3D CAD software used for modeling


Available NURBS and BREP file formats

.stp (Standardized 3D graphic exchange file format) - Solid 3D model

Available polygonal mesh file formats

.obj and .stl


OBJ - Mesh - Quads only; Vertices: 1630; Edges: 3256; Faces: 1628; Mesh topology supports multiple subdivisions; 3D model without texture and materials

STL - 3D printer ready (The 3D model is NOT hollowed); Mesh - Triangles only;  Vertices:27168;  Edges:81498;  Faces:54332


Over time, 3D printing became popular, so we decided to release a 3D model that was ready for printing. The .stl file format version of this 3D model is a pre-made 3D print model, and all you have to do is scale it to the desired dimensions and hollow it to save some plastic. If you want to change the elephant’s appearance, there is also a “low poly” (.obj file format) version of the 3D model that you can modify in software such as Blender, Wing3D, etc.

If you need a stuffed toy elephant 3D model, you can download it here: Low poly elephant 3d model

This is a derivative work. Original 3D model: Afrikan elephant 3D model created in Blender


Download 3D model (BREP and NURBS)

Submitted by Ceh Jan