On this page you are offered two simple laser cutting projects for making portable extension cord organizers.
We call them “portable extension cord reel” and “portable extension cord holder” - their appearance and all the necessary dimensions are given in the accompanying pictures and drawings. With both models, you can wrap up and store around 15-25m of cord, depending on its thickness and elasticity. If your cord is longer, you will need to customize the given dimensions to your needs. One of the items that are frequently used in every house with a yard is a long extension cord. With repeated use, if you always wrap the cord around your arm, at some moment it gets tangled up and twisted. Each time you use it, this will increasingly upset you and probably force you to either buy or make your own extension cord organizer.
Portable extension cord reel: 200mm (7 7/8'') x 349mm (13 3/4'') x 19mm (3/4'')
Portable extension cord holder: 216mm (8 1/2'') x 216mm (8 1/2'') x 400mm (15 3/4'')
Portable extension cord reel plan
The extension cord reel that you can see in the picture is of very simple construction as it consists only of one part to be cut from a 19mm thick board. The ends of the extension cord are held by grooves put on both sides of the hand hole to prevent the cord from unwinding. The hole in the middle is optional and serves to put the cord through it (disassemble plug/socket, pull cord through the hole and reassemble plug/socket). Thus, the extension cord reel is attached to the cord and will not be lost. Feel free to customize the shape and dimension to your needs; you can even extend one arm, which will enable you to stick it into the ground to prevent the cord from getting dirty when used.
Portable extension cord holder plan
The extension cord holder, whose appearance and dimensions you can see in the following picture, is a slightly more complex model, but as it consists of only two mutually glued parts it is still not too complicated. You can make it out of plywood with a thickness of 15-20mm. This model, too, has a hand hole for easy transport and grooves that prevent the cord from unwinding. The appearance and dimensions can be quickly and easily adapted to various cord lengths or some specific needs of yours. A good feature of this model is that it allows the installation of an AC power switch and an AC power socket. When manually dismantling the plug from the socket under voltage, sparks are emitted that shorten their lifespan. By installing a switch, this problem will be adequately solved. If you, however, do not have a good understanding of electrical wiring, hire a professional person to connect the switch to the socket.