On this page you can download an interesting collection of plans for making animal-shaped wooden toys for kids.

Our idea for this collection came from a book published in the Soviet Union in 1989 and created for the needs of technical education of children aged 5-8 attending primary school. In the book, the children had been introduced to woodworking techniques and tools in a very easy way, learning how to make wood items such as children's toys, puzzles, kitchen utensils, simple  woodworking tools and the like. The collection includes the following plans for toys: Rooster toy figurine plan, Duck toy figurine plan, Owl toy figurine plan, Eagle toy figurine plan, Dachshund dog toy figurine plan, Boxer dog toy figurine plan,  Terrier dog toy figurine plan, Fairy tale beast toy figurine plan, Crocodile toy figurine plan, Rhinoceros toy figurine plan and Lion toy figurine plan.


Toy animal figurines for kids crafting excercises
Project type
Project difficulty
Skill level
for kids learning the woodworking and beginners
Level of workshop equipment
Hobby - Hand tools and power tools
Applied woodworking joints
Round mortise and tenon joint
Butt joint reinforced with glue
Open tab and slot joint


The toy design has been simplified; it is somewhat abstract yet very interesting and, as such, stimulates children's imagination enabling them to make toys on their own. This collection of free woodworking plans can be used to create unique gifts for children, but it can also serve to familiarize children with woodworking by putting joint parent-child efforts into the making of animal-shaped wooden toys. These animal toys can take on a whole new look if you paint them the way you like. Thus, they can be used for classes of technical / arts education. Parts of these toys can be made at home, in the sense that you do the cutting of the wood by yourselves, and then continue with sanding, gluing and painting together with your children. In this way, the children will gain hands-on experience and acquire a new skill, let alone that they will spend quality time with you. Such successfully created toys will be much more fun and valuable than the ones bought at the shops, leaving children with lifetime memories due to  durability of the material they are made of.

This collection contains plans for making figurines of the following animals: boxer dog, crocodile, dachshund dog, duck, eagle, fairy tale beast, lion, owl, rhinoceros, rooster and terrier dog.


Boxer dog toy figurine plan
Boxer dog toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings
Crocodile toy figurine plan
Crocodile toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings
Dachshund dog toy figurine plan
Dachshund dog toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings
Duck toy figurine plan
Duck toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings
Eagle toy figurine plan
Eagle toy figurine p- Assembly and part drawings
Fairy tale beast toy figurine plan
Fairy tale beast toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings
Lion toy figurine plan
Lion toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings
Owl toy figurine plan
Owl toy figurine plan - Assembly and part drawings
Rhinoceros toy figurine plan
Rhinoceros toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings
Rooster toy figurine plan
Rooster toy figurine plan - Assembly and part drawings
Terrier dog toy figurine plan
Terrier dog toy figurine - Assembly and part drawings


These animal toy figurines can be made of almost any kind of wood and perhaps would be a good way for you to use up some of your scrap. Within the plans, there are drawings with all the dimensions and views (parts and assembly) that will help you make these toy figurines. By clicking on the image, a recordable, high-resolution image will be displayed on the screen.


Download project (high resolution images)

Submitted by Ceh Jan