This is a large collection of 57 patterns named interlaced border corners according to their pattern type and purpose.

All of the patterns in this collection are interlaced patterns, and all are essentially corner patterns that can be easily used to make rectangular frame border patterns. It should be noted that these patterns can also be applied independently as corner patterns. All you have to do is design and draw the ends of the horizontal and vertical band, and beautiful corner patterns will appear in front of you. All the patterns have been drawn very precisely in a 2D CAD program using a rectangular grid, and all come from the pages of some old books. We recommend that you download this collection and put it ‘on hold’ somewhere until you need an interlaced border pattern or an interlaced corner pattern; you will have a great selection of patterns to use!


Collection of interlaced border corners
Free vector categories
Available file formats

All patterns are saved in a single 2D CAD file available in dwg format. Using 2D CAD software, that file has been transformed into vector (eps and svg) formats that are also available to you. These file formats can be imported into most 2D CAD or vector software, in which the patterns can be colored, edited or modified.


As you can see, the collection contains plenty of simple patterns, but also a few complex ones so we hope that this collection has covered a large range of border corners that you may need in your work sooner or later. If you still want to draw your original interlaced border pattern resembling the ones here, we recommend that you use some available 2D CAD or vector software. It will enable you to draw the pattern accurately and modify it easily if you are not satisfied with its design. All interlaced border corners in the collection consist only of lines and arcs, and if we imagine the patterns as interlaced bands, the bands are of the same width.


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Submitted by Ceh Jan


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