Here we are presenting a plan that will allow you to quickly create a simple and practical hanging planter basket.
This hanging planter is very simple and its making may be a quality exercise for beginners. Flower pots are usually kept on the shelves, pieces of furniture, window sills or on various flower stands that can fit one or more of them. A common disadvantage of all these places is that the pots occupy usable space. The solution to this problem could be to place the flower pots inside of hanging basket planters.

The basket planter dimensions in our plan are: width 254mm (10in), Height 199mm (7 27/32in), depth 254mm (10in).
Before you start working, we advise you to customize its dimensions to those of the flower pot. Plant baskets like these can be usually seen at professional orchid growers' as they have openings both on the sides and at the bottoms, which is ideal for growing orchids. Most cultivated orchids are epiphytes and it is in their nature to have their roots exposed to the outside environment, air and rain, instead of being buried in the ground. Because of this fact, orchids in planters like these are cultivated directly, without any pots and substrate. Hanging basket planters are also suitable for growing pot plants which are lush and grow downwards like heartleaf philodendrons, ferns, petunias and many other indoor and balcony plants.
For the construction you only need wooden laths with cross-section dimensions 16mm (5/8in) x 16mm (5/8in) mm and fasteners (wood screws, long eye bolts, nuts and washers).
All the information you need to build this Hanging basket planter is shown in the next image.

Eye bolts are not standard, but you can easily make them out of wire, 6 mm in diameter. The making of this planter is very simple and consists of cutting slats to the required sizes, drilling holes, and assembling them with wood screws and eye bolts. After the assembly, all you are left to do is pass the rope (or you can use chain) through the eye bolts and attach the planter basket to the ceiling, beam, etc ...
You can decorate the planter by rounding off or chamfering the edges of the slats. If you want to experiment, you can process the slats on a lathe and thus give your planter a totally different look.
To create this hanging basket planter, different types of wood can be used, but we recommend hardwood that will be a little more resistant to water damage (wetting). For additional protection against water, we recommend that the wood is well protected with waterproof coatings.