On this page you can download the repeating design that we found in the old book.
It originates from the beginning of the 20th century and in the book this repeating design is called wallpaper design. As you can see in the picture, this half-brick repeating pattern consists of stylized floral forms (stenciled). The above-mentioned type of repeating patterns got its name based on the similarity with how bricks are laid to form a brick wall. If you take a look at our wallpaper design, the figure (i. e., the basic design element that the repeating pattern consists of) is repeated in one row at the same horizontal distance, the next row is formed by moving the figure first (usually by half the distance) horizontally in relation to those above, and then it is repeated at the same distance as in the top row. To put it nicely, the figure is offset from those above and below it, so don't line up vertically. Half-brick repeating patterns are very commonly used in the textile industry and wallpaper manufacture.