Zodiac constellations are widely known due to astrology, which is generally considered a pseudoscience since it has failed in predictions when under scientific tests. Namely, astrology studies the positions, movements and relationships of celestial bodies as seen from the earth, and links them with the basic characteristics of individuals, their interaction with society and various events in the world. In astrology, the year is divided into 12 i.e 13 periods and each is named after a Zodiac constellation (the constellation of Ophiuchus is usually omitted). These periods are called Zodiac signs. So everyone has a corresponding zodiacal or astrological sign according to the period his/her birthday lies in. Astrology is popular in both Eastern (Chinese astrology, Hindu astrology) and Western cultures (Western astrology - Horoscope), but in most cases it comes down to reading the horoscope in the daily newspaper when sipping one’s coffee in the morning. As the Zodiac signs are often used in different ways, we have decided to draw them and offer them free for download.