On this page you are offered 11 different drawings of coat hook models which contain all the dimensions necessary for their making.

Today you can buy a wide variety of cheap coat hook models in shops. Therefore, individual manufacturing of coat hooks is not intended for saving money, but for the production process satisfaction itself.


Coat hooks
Project difficulty
Skill level
for DIY enthusiasts
Level of workshop equipment
Hobby - Hand tools and power tools


The models are made of metal or wood, and you need only some basic knowledge of metal and wood processing in order to make them. The coat hooks made with the help of these drawings can be rack-mounted and wall-mounted.


Part drawings
Coat hooks drawings


If you want to make a coat rack on your own and need a plan for it, please visit page Free furniture plans  on this website where you can download several free coat rack plans. There is no need to copy these designs carefully, once you understand the principle you can simply adjust and alter them to suit your needs. Many interesting variations can be worked out.


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Download 2D drawings (dwg file format)
Download project (3D model)

Submitted by Ceh Jan